July 16, 2011 — Weeds and Beauty

We live within walking distance of a city park, so often on afternoons when it’s cool enough, we stroll down and play for a bit.  Many times my husband will take our daughter on these ventures and they always return with a flower.  She finds these flowers on the return trip.  They are often weeds – dandelions, clover flowers, blades of grass.

These clover flowers have been particularly beautiful.  I’m grateful for my daughter’s eye for beauty in the weeds today.

About ohcrapimover35

My daughter and I write blogs here.
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2 Responses to July 16, 2011 — Weeds and Beauty

  1. Robley Hood says:

    Joni, you and your daughter might enjoy reading Something Beautiful by Sharon Denis Wyeth. Oh, what a lovely book about beautiful things around us.


  2. Thanks for the book suggestion, Robley! We’re headed to the library this afternoon and will look it up!

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