Spring Cleaning — the theme for May

 I’m currently reading The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by James Martin and recently came across a chapter featuring voluntary poverty. Poverty certainly isn’t appealing as a concept, but experiencing freedom from the drag of possessions seems like an excellent life to me.

So though I’m not prepared to sell all I own, I am inspired to begin a simpler life – giving up what I don’t need and want to free up life.

In the Jesuit Guide, Martin refers to a parable told by Anthony de Mello where a wise man easily gives up a diamond to another man who longs for the stone and the riches it would produce. Days later, the man returns to the wise man and says now what he really wants out of life is to know how someone could so easily give up the diamond.

That’s what I’m searching for. How to give up the diamond with ease. This month is the beginning.

About ohcrapimover35

My daughter and I write blogs here.
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3 Responses to Spring Cleaning — the theme for May

    • Robley, I am familiar with the concept (from pictures), but I’ve never seen one in person. Last fall we stayed in a small cabin in the mountains with just the necessities. It was so pleasant to get away from the mounds of incidentals that we don’t need or use and that fill up our house! It also encouraged us to get out and explore the world around us. I think a tiny house would do that too. Plus, they’re so darn cute!

  1. Frances Moore says:

    Joni, I understand the need to have less because, Things can be very weighty. They can hold us to chores when we would rather be playing outside with our children. In addition, what seems important to one person can mean nothing to another. Minimalism and poverty are different lifestyles. The person who can choose what to keep or let go does not live in poverty. When the only choice in less or nothing, then poverty is your life. Living with less by choice, and giving the extra to others is a good choice for those people who can.

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