
I nearly forgot one more original poem.  I wrote this poem after attending a baptism at a lake.  I am from the Methodist sprinkling tradition, so I had never seen a full immersion baptism before this event.  It was pretty amazing, and I kept the image of those folks ascending the bank in my mind, wondering what they were feeling as they met the faces of the crowd watching the event. 

The canoe lines seem a little corny to me now, but they were part of that image as well, so I kept them.  Hope you enjoy!


The fire sun sinks down                                                                                                          Burning orange light through the thickness of the Evening,                                               Casting rippling shadows around us.                                                                                           Two canoes glide into the distance,                                                                                            Oars dipping in a slow melody                                                                                                   Smoothing the water by.

 Within the settling waters, in clinging colors deep and wet,                                                      He travels towards us.                                                                                                                     His knees proudly lift him                                                                                                               Up and over the pool of cool, brown reflections.                                                                        The water recedes from thigh to knee to ankle                                                                            As steps sink intimately into the silt below.

We watch the water lap his feet up the banks;                                                                            We watch the approach and fill the air with revelry.                                                                 The fire sun blinds us as our voices float above the lake,                                                        Bellows – joyous and primal – roll through the distance.

His eyes lift up and ahead beyond the crowd                                                                                As his feet slap onto the muddy shore                                                                                        (Our voices now softening into the thickness of trees surrounding)                                         He only senses distant vibrations–                                                                                                He only feels the fire sun at his back–                                                                                           He only hears the rippling water behind.

    Joni Boone 2005

About ohcrapimover35

My daughter and I write blogs here.
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1 Response to Bonus

  1. Robley Hood says:

    I have so enjoyed reading your own poems, Joni. Thanks for sharing them with us!

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