New year, new books

Christmas brought many wonderful gifts – time with family, time away from the computer, and time in a pair of new wool socks that are so warm and wonderful that I may leave them on until April.  Among the gifts were also a few books that I’m enjoying as the New Year begins. They don’t seem to have any connection.

German Cookbook

Inspired by J. Betsky’s, a nearby German restaurant that I would eat at daily if I could, I wanted to learn to cook some German food.  Over Christmas, I tried my hand at Alton Brown’s soft pretzel recipe,


and I tackled two recipes from this new book – homemade noodles and cucumber salad (which I forgot to photograph)– as sides for brats in beer.   Good stuff!

Exercise Book

I joined a gym last year for the first time ever, and this year, I might get the courage to go beyond the treadmill rows and actually use some of the weight equipment to ward off the old osteoporosis.


And a little freedom by Krishnamurti.

What will you begin the year reading?

About ohcrapimover35

My daughter and I write blogs here.
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6 Responses to New year, new books

  1. Robley Hood says:

    I got a Kindle for Christmas, just what I asked for! I read Louise Erdrich’s THE ROUND HOUSE in three days and am now halfway through SALVAGE THE BONES by Jesmyn Ward. I have a whole bunch of other books lined up through the state’s public electronic book-lending system.

    I thought it would be strange to read on a Kindle, but in fact I absolutely love it, mostly because I can change the font size and type as well as the brightness (I got a Kindle Paperwhite).

    I am a happy reader indeed!

    • Wonderful, Robley! I hope you enjoy the Kindle! I haven’t read The Round House yet, but I do love Erdrich’s writing. The Master Butchers Singing Club is one of my all-time favorite books.

  2. Sherri Pekks says:

    loved, loved, loved Salvage the Bones. beautiful writing. I am reading Tell the Wolves I’m Home right now. Just finished The Snow Child and I think it was my favorite book of all last year.

  3. lisarpetty says:

    Those pretzels look great, Joni.
    Robley, I have had a Kindle for years now, and I don’t know what I would do without it. I’m glad Santa brought you one.

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