Rubber band reminder

I just learned something new (well, new to me) —  the rubber band reminder!  If you have a habit that you are looking to replace or get rid of, wear a rubber band around your wrist.  Each time you are about to engage in that habit, switch the rubber band to the other wrist.

Awareness.  It’s like a tactile version of the mindfulness bell, sort of.

So I’ve been trying this new trick in attempt to rid myself of mindless eating – those moments throughout the day when I’m not hungry but I find food in my mouth and wonder how it got there.

I’ll let you know how it goes.  For two days, so far so good!

About ohcrapimover35

My daughter and I write blogs here.
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1 Response to Rubber band reminder

  1. Robley Hood says:

    Your version of the rubber band reminder is different from the one I know. My version doesn’t involve changing the placement of the band. Instead, you snap yourself! Yours might be less painful. Good luck with that mindless eating. I fear an at-home job is accompanied by all kinds of unhealthy habits.

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