Simple Food

The next phase of simplifying – the weekly meals.  I’m thinking it will feel just as good to have clutter-free kitchen cabinets as it does to have clutter-free closets. A family of 3 probably doesn’t need 6 different types of breakfast cereal available at one time, but alas, that’s our current tally. 

So I have enlisted the help of friends, blogs, and cookbooks to pare down our weekly meals and avoid wasting food and having too much unnecessary food around.

The books I’m checking out are Simply in Season  and More with Less . I’m still searching the blogs.

And this week, we’re starting simple.  I spent around $35 at the Kroger today purchasing a whole chicken, vegetables, milk, eggs, etc. And here’s the plan:

Today – roast the chicken and vegetables (in process in the picture above) and serve with polenta and mushrooms. “Polenta” sounds so much nicer than “mush” or “grits,” doesn’t it?  I’ll cut extra carrots, celery, and onion to use as a base for sauce on Wednesday. Then I’ll make stock (keep some out and freeze some) with the carcass.

Wednesday – use the extra vegetables that I cut up from Tuesday as part of the base for an easy Bolognese sauce over spaghetti.

Thursday – leftover chicken for tacos and make baked rice (with the stock). I use an easy white rice recipe from Rick Bayless’ Mexican Everyday cookbook. 

Friday – leftover spaghetti

Saturday – breakfast dinner OR vegetable stir fry with the leftover rice.

Sunday – soup with any of the vegetables that are leftover and the stock. 

That was simple to plan.  I need a few more of these types of weeks to get in a rotation.  Any suggestions?

About ohcrapimover35

My daughter and I write blogs here.
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5 Responses to Simple Food

  1. Robley Hood says:

    Joni, I know of a couple of sources you might enjoy. This morning, there’s an article in The New York Times about recipe searching on the Internet: The NYT also features a once-weekly column called “Family Meals,” I think. It’s in the Friday paper (maybe?), but for some reason I can’t find the link to most recent column. When I see it again, I’ll post the link. Finally, Pioneer Woman (the blog) features some family friendly recipes that span over several days like yours: I love your idea!

  2. Julie Burruss says:

    We started weekly meal plans about a year ago, to be more efficient with our weekly grocery shopping. Here are a couple things we try to keep in mind:

    1. Make a big meal that leaves leftovers early in the week (so we can use the leftovers for lunches, etc. later on)
    2. Eat one vegetarian meal a week (we usually do pasta)
    3. Use the crock pot at least once a week.
    4. Have some scheduled meals that the kids can look forward to. We have Taco Tuesday (because it’s fun to say Taco Tuesday). This can be anything from tacos, enchilladas, quesadillas to taco salad. Whatever. We also have “Snacky Supper” on Sunday nights, which is a meal that we can eat in the living room during movie night. It’s just finger food: cheese, crackers, grape tomatoes, baby carrots, etc. And popcorn!
    5. Always make extra rice and pasta to use later in the week.
    6. You can add frozen vegetables to a LOT of other main dishes.
    7. Make the messiest meals on the kids bath nights!


  3. Amanda Hollis says:

    I have listed this link on Facebook before (well, at least to the blog in general), but this is a great post about using ALL of a chicken (which you have a pretty good idea about). I’m not sure the recipes are all simple per se, but it’s interesting.

    This one is also pretty neat–she did a “feed my husband for $25/week” post, and she uses the same basic ingredients all week, with the goal to still get him his required 2600 calories/day. It might have some good tips for you, too.

    That page has a link to all of the recipes and each day’s totals.

  4. Amanda says:

    Hey Joni! Great ideas here! I have a recipe from Dan’s mom that I use as a “go to” dish…I usually make changes to it…I add pretty much whatever veggie I have…red peppers, peas, beans..pretty much anything works with this curry dish!

    Bev’s Quick Chicken Curry
    3 cups cubed, cooked chicken
    1 cup chopped onion
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1/4 cup butter or margarine
    1/4 cup flour
    2 1/2 cup milk
    1 tbsp curry powder (i usually use ALOT more)
    1 tbsp chicken bouillon (or 3 cubes)
    1/4 cup lemon juice

    In large skillet, cook onion and garlic in olive oil until tender. Stir in flour. gradually add milk, stir until smooth.
    Add curry and bouillion
    Over medium heat, cook and stir until thickened. Add lemon juice.
    Reduce heat and simmer 10 min.
    Add chicken, cook another 10 min.
    Serve over rice (I use rice or cous cous)

    I made a few batches to freeze before Sylvia came and they were delicious from the freezer too!

  5. Joni says:

    Thanks for the wonderful suggestions everyone! I am excited about this venture, and now I have lots of great meals to plan 🙂

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